Follow steps below to add a new simple product or watch the video.
See below for a screenshot of your product page. Please follow detailed instructions to add a new product.
- Product Menu – Click on the Product menu on the left hand sideenu to show a list of your products. Click on product name to Edit
- Product Name
- Long Description
- Price
- Category
- Product Image
- Short Description
- PUBLISH Button / UPDATE Button

1. Click on the PRODUCTS menu on the left to call up a list of all the products on your website.
To Edit a product click on the product name. The screen above will appear
To create a new product click on “Add New” from the menu on the left or up the top of the screen.
2. Product Name
Enter a product name. Make sure it is not too long.
3. Product Descriptions
Each product has two descriptions. A Detailed Description and a Short description (see above). Editor tools are available so you can format the descriptions such as Bold, Italics and Font colours.
THe Long Description generally appears below the price and ADD TO CART button and can be as long as you like.
The Short description is found under the Price Data (number 4 above). The short description will typically show up next to the product image, price and add to cart.
4. Price
If you have a Simple product EXAMPLE 1 with only one price you add the price in the Regular Price field.
If you have a Variable Product with more than one price for each product (eg t-shirt colours) then your Product Data will look like EXAMPLE 2 below.
EXAMPLE 1 – Simple Product = one price
EXAMPLE 2 – Variable Product with many prices per product (eg t-shirt colours or sizes)
Click on (a) Attributes to change the colour or size options
Click on (b) Variations to change the prices
Click on the #number (circled in red) to access the price field
5. Assigning Categories and Tags
With each product you must assign categories and tags.
6. Product Image
Click on Set Product Image to add a product image.
Drag and Drop new images into the Media Screen to add new images. You MUST resize your image if it is over 1000px wide or high.
Typical image size is 800pixels x 800 pixels at 72dpi. (Square images always look best). CLick on Edit Image to change the size of the image.
7. Short Description
Typically appears next to the product image, price and add to cart
8. PUBLISH or UPDATE button
Always remember to click the Update button after you complete your work to save your changes to your website.
After you have saved your work always check it on your website to make sure everything is correct.
Jen Blissett
Watermark Web Design
Ph: 0401 652 802